The Most Urgent Challenges As A Marketer

How To Drive Authenticity, Relevance, And Transparency

Whatever your business, the top priority today has to be to improve the customer experience. Customers’ expectations are changing with access to more information, and they’re getting used to having a louder voice in your marketplace. If you can’t give them a reason to stay then they will find a business that can.

So, what does this mean for the future of your marketing?

It means you better understand your customer’s journey from prospect to advocate. From “I want to learn more” to “will you be mine,” think about what your company can do to help your customer become a customer.

“It starts with trust,” says Chief Customer Experience Officer Donna Peoples. “Think about the journey you went on with the companies you have a relationship with today. Think about your brand, your brand promise and what it will take to deliver on these promises you’ve made.”

“It starts with recognizing those trigger points in the customer journey – we develop great content for the people who are kicking tires, and checking us out, and we want them to understand about what they’re getting into before they make a big decision,” says Arra Yerganian, Chief Marketing Officer for One Medical. “It’s a balance between being top of mind with your customer, and the one hour they take to make a decision on their options and who they will choose.”

Braintree Chief Marketing Officer Greg Fisher suggests, “Put your target at the center of everything you’re doing. There are so many messages going out, and it’s easy to get distracted and reactionary. Your target doesn’t know who you are because you stand for everything, but in the end, nothing they’re looking for. Stand for one big thing, and stay there.”


Download A View From The Top: The Evolution of Marketing and the Customer Journey by author Kevin Popović.

Based on Incite Summit West, this book examines current thinking from marketing leadership from some of the largest brands. The contributors were senior level and accomplished, but most importantly, that they are all very active in the development and delivery of the work on behalf of their organizations. These speakers are not sitting in the ivory tower, they are leading their troops into battle – and they are winning.

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