Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I’m the most creative person they know.
For more than 30 years I’ve made my living by applying my creativity and intelligence to business scenarios to create great ideas.
New business concepts, new revenue models, new products, new services, new processes. I’m the guy that gets the call when a team needs to develop a new idea.

I’m the Founder of Ideahaus, an award-winning creative communications agency that helps business-to-business, business-to-consumer and nonprofit organizations build their brands and increase sales. Voted Best Boutique Agency, Best Creative Department and Best Interactive Department Ideahaus works with startups, SMB’s and Enterprise organizations to implement strategic plans.
I’m also the inaugural Director of the Idea Lab at San Diego State University, part of the Zahn Innovation Platform. I work with people, teams and organizations to generate new ideas using Design Thinking and other creative problem solving tools.
I encourage you to explore this website to learn about the books I have written, and all of the original content that demonstrates my process, leadership and creativity. Watch my presentations and review the schedule of keynotes, lectures, workshops and training I offer. When you find something of interest contact me to explore how we might be able to work on something together.